Wednesday, October 17, 2012

What Is Project New Nick?

Hello Internet! I just thought I'd make this little blog that's going to change my entire life. My name's Nick. I am a 20 year old college student, going to Utah Valley University for a marketing degree. A little about me, I'm probably the most average person you have ever met in your life. Physically I am a tall ginger kid. I am pretty skinny compared to most people my age, and have no real visible fat or muscle to speak of. I'd say I'm a pretty smart guy, and a bit of a geek. Most days I'm usually at home on the computer, or playing my guitar. Music is probably the biggest thing in my life right now, and I love to listen to, play, and write it as much as possible.

Now why am I telling you all of this about me? Well the entire point of this blog is really to change almost everything about me and make an entirely new Nick! A few weeks ago, in my Fitness class, we talked about the 7 Components of Wellness, which encompasses everything required in life to be considered a "good life". Now first off I wouldn't say I'm depressed at all, but being realistic, I would say that my life is not going in the direction I want it to be going. Fortunately, I am going to be doing something about that.

Project New Nick, besides being the name of this fabulous blog in which you are currently reading, is me using the 7 Components of Wellness to make goals for myself to become a better person, and have a better, more fulfilling life. Now I know what you're saying to yourself, "Nick! What the hell are these 7 components of whatever you keep talking about!" Well I will tell you. The 7 Components of Wellness are: Physical Wellness, Intellectual Wellness, Emotional Wellness, Social Wellness, Spiritual Wellness, Environmental Wellness, and Occupational Wellness. By combining all of these Components of Wellness, I can make my life into whatever I want it to be!

So why make a blog you ask? Well the first, and most important reason for the blog is simply to track my progress. I can't know how well I'm doing without a reference point can I? Also, I'm hoping to get readers and followers that can give me support and ideas to help me out. And finally, I would eventually like to get to the point where I can inspire, give advice to, and help out anyone who wants to try something similar in their own lives.

Alright we get it, what now? Well unfortunately, because I am lazy, we will not be starting until November 1st. Actually I have a few reasons for starting then instead of right now. First of all, it gives me some time to really put some thought into my future goals. The second reason is because I have just recently gotten my first job after months of unemployment, my first paycheck is not for about a week, I have less than $50 to my name, and some of these goals are going to need some money for me to complete them (gym memberships, healthy food, social activities). And finally, the first of a month is just a nice time to be setting goals! But fear not, I will be keeping you updated between now and November! Starting exactly one week before the first of November, I will be going over each Component, looking at where I need to improve, and setting a goal for myself daily for that entire week. Also I might make you a nice little Halloween post, maybe... But until then, have fun with your lives Internet!

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